Asynchronous Bandwidth
Defined as: Asynchronous Internconnections have faster download speeds and lower upload speeds so users can have more downstream bandwidth.
With asynchronous Internet connections, you can have a fast download speed. This is ideal if most of the service users are primarily downloading information and data (like a homeowner streaming Netflix, for example).
Conversely, though, your upload speeds are much less than your download speeds and aren’t guaranteed. Because the connection is over a shared network, your upload speeds will be affected by other users on your network and what they are doing (also known as contended connections).
Synchronous Bandwidth
Defined as: Synchronous Internet connections have guaranteed, easy-to-manage bandwidth services, with consistent upload and download speeds.
This means that if you were to pay for a 1000 Mbps Metro Ethernet bandwidth connection, you would have a 1000 Mbps connection for both your uploads and your downloads across your entire business.
Also, the bandwidth itself is easy to manage, saving you time and effort that can be better spent elsewhere.
- These definitions were taken from this article: I feel as if you should take a minute to read to understand the differences if you don’t today this is a simple easy read.
Asynchronous and Synchronous bandwidths for me can simply be defined as internet access. I am not sure if it matters if you are a residential user or business user e-evergent would not discriminate on who we would sell these products/services to.
- The question I would have is do we need to get into defining how we install the services or how it is delivered to the end user customer. Certainly on the website we could add pictures of what “typical” installations look like.
The difference between residential and business for these offerings would be including a Calix Router on the residential side at no additional cost. This is a benefit not only to the customer but to us as well from a monitoring and management perspective (customer service/experience).
There are add ons to this residential offering which would include a Calix Mesh box. This box would be an extention or provide an extension of the WiFi network expanding the coverage area beyond what the Calix router provides as an individual unit. *Additional fees applicable
The residential user could also add phone service (VoIP/UCaaS) to any service they purchase from us. *Additional fees applicable
We could also add static IP addressing if there were a need for it. *Additional fees applicable
On the business side of the house primarily tagged to the synchronous product the customer could and most likely would want to add IP addressing beyond the standard offering. *additional fees applicable
Tied into the Synchronous product offering is an SLA. SLA is a Service Level agreement and there was some information in the above article that talked about SLA. The big thing here is that the bandwidth is guaranteed and if the customer is not receiving that bandwidth something is wrong we need to fix it and they have a recourse for us not providing it. Our SLA (fixed wireless) is generally equivalent to that of fiber – this is big! Reliability and accountability are things that most businesses require from a partner. We can furnish you with a copy of our SLA in a separate document.